Gilroy Unified School District (GUSD) cooperates with select community groups and nonprofit organizations that offer activities for youth in our community. GUSD distributes materials electronically via Peachjar. Fliers will be distributed through email and posted to a webpage. The following information provides instructions and protocols for using the Peachjar electronic flier system. Peachjar pricing information.
To request flier approval, follow the steps below. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all parents and posted online.
Your flier will automatically be submitted to the District for approval. District staff will review the material and approve or deny based on the standards described below. Please allow up to one week for the district office to approve or deny your flier for weekly distribution.
Organizations are subject to Peachjar’s $25 service fee when a flier is posted to promote an activity or event with a participation fee. Peachjar's service fee also applies to activities that are held without charge, but may entice participants to join a fee-based program, or purchase products or services (e.g. a soccer league that offers free clinics).
Peachjar’s service fee will be waived in Gilroy Unified School District when a local community organization is promoting a free event that does not entice participants to join a fee-based program, or purchase products or services.
For more information, please contact Monica Nicasio at or (669) 205-4025.
- Ensure that your flier meets the GUSD Flier Approval Requirements
- Go to
- Register with Peachjar as an Enrichment Provider (account type)
- Select desired schools
- Upload your flyer to Peachjar for approval (Fliers must include an English and Spanish version).
All requests for flier distribution by outside community organizations must first be approved by the District Office. Peachjar charges outside organizations a fee for this service. Please visit for more information.
Requirements for all e-flyers from outside organizations:
- Please allow one week for processing e-flier requests;
- Facility fees through Peachjar must be paid before e-flier is submitted to GUSD;
- Flier must be submitted in both English and Spanish (two fliers on one pdf);
- Flier PDF must be smaller than 6MB and in portrait format;
- Flier font sizes must not be less than size 12;
- Organization agrees to let Peachjar place the following disclaimer on your flyer (exact wording): Approval for distribution of these materials does not imply endorsement by the Gilroy Unified School District.;
- Program must support GUSD's mission which extends the community’s cultural, recreational, artistic or educational opportunities and which do not promote any particular commercial religious or political interest;
- Program/activity must directly benefit GUSD students or be of intrinsic value to students and/or parents;
- Program/activity should not conflict with GUSD programs.
- Organization must have approval from the Facilities Department (if using GUSD facilities) prior to posting the flyer on Peachjar.
- Business advertisements of any kind are prohibited;
- Drawings and photographs must be in good taste; no gang symbols or partial nudity;
- Materials advertising alcohol or tobacco sales, gambling, or have sexual innuendo will not be approved;
- Content cannot promote any particular political interest, candidate, party, or ballot measure;
- Content cannot position the school district on any side of a controversial issue;
- Flier cannot discriminate against, attack, or denigrate any group on account of gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, or other unlawful consideration;
- Flier must include: Contact Name and Phone Number, Date, Location, Cost of Event, and Disclaimer
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Tips for designing flyers
- Peachjar pricing information